Curious Tides by Pascalle Lacelle is a sweeping awe-inspiring dive into the murky world of the Aldryn College for Lunar Magic. This book comes highly recommended to those who like a bit of magic and fantasy in their reads. It has you hooked from the first moment with the story, but also the wonderful poetic style of writing.
I was really impressed by the world that Pascalle invented for this story. The descriptive prose helps you imagine what it's really like at Aldyn College. The interplay between the main protagonists is sometimes joy but can cause you to scream at the pages at times. However when you persevere, no hardship honest, you'll discover the beauty that lies within the pages.
The magic system is really very clever, not your usual Harry Potter here. The beauty of the book is not only in the exquisite presentation but the words. It's a story that unfolds as each page opens. A wonderful magical fantasy book.