Never Walk Away by Nick Triplow is a dark view of the underbelly of our country. Nick's a new author to me yet I loved the characters and plot of this book from the start. It reads like an old school detective or spy novel of the sixties. Believe me when I say this isn't a bad look. Max is a weird, at times unlikeable, character yet he gets under your skin. His dogged tireless digging into finding the truth are thankfully better than his social skills.
This isn't a novel you can skim read large parts of. Every page needs to be eagely read so you don't miss an important clue. The style of wriitng is excellent. Descriptions of some events or places aren't needed yet they make you elieve you're actually there. Lots of observation like when Max is in a service station, Nicks descriptions nad thoughts bring the place live. He sees the mundane in the world and weaves it into the story.
There are comparisons with Mick Heron's Slow Horses series of books. Yet that kind of cheapens the book. This is better than those, excellent as they are. The political back plot is really believable, set as it is in the hindleg days of the Blair era. Corrupt officals secretly knocking off those who stand in their way and then covering up the mess. Like a sixties Le Carre novel at times.
The ending leaves it open to a series featuring Max Lomas. I certainly hope to read more of this detective. A brilliant debut novel.